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Elevate Academy


Elevate Your Potential: Explore Our Early College Program

The Elevate Academy stands out as more than just a dual enrollment program. It is an integral part of a lively and comprehensive high school environment, offering a rich mix of academic challenges and extracurricular activities. Our unique Elevate Academy is crafted to serve a diverse student body, with a thirst for advanced academic pursuits.

All AVHS Elevate Academy scholars who complete the program will have earned significant college and IGETC credits upon high school graduation.

  • Target Group: Specifically designed for a small, select group of 9th graders 32 students starting in Fall 2024.
    • Arroyo Valley Bound Students
  • Program Structure: A structured and integrated program, spanning Grades 9-12.
    • Dual - Enrollment: 2 college courses in 9th Grade & minimum of 2 college courses per semester 10th-12th Grades.
    • Core Academic: MYP Honors Courses 9th-10th & IB/AP Courses 11th-12th
  • Focus: All AVHS Elevate Academy scholars who complete the program will have earned significant college and IGETC credits upon high school graduation.
  • Support Services: Enhanced support services tailored to the needs of the cohort.
  • Student Cost: No cost to students.


Logo for our early college program

Elevate Academy Parent Presentation 

Elevate Academy at Arroyo Valley High School, detailing the dual enrollment program, advanced courses, and academic support for high school students.
 Imagen en español de la Academia Elevate en la Escuela Secundaria Arroyo Valley, detallando el programa de matrícula doble, cursos avanzados y apoyo académico para estudiantes.
Flyer for Elevate Academy in Spanish